Monday, February 20, 2017

Are You Training With A Personal Trainer? Do They Have These 5 Traits.

Here at Abu Dhabi Personal Trainers we understand the characteristics of a good PT, but do you? Below we have highlighted 5 things to look for in a PT.
Patience is the key to a good client-trainer relationship, is what we say here at Abu Dhabi Personal Trainer.
Trainers should understand that what works for one client may not work for another. Trainers should also find a comfortable pace for their clients. Some clients may progress at a faster rate, while others may require more coaching and assistance.
Communication is a two way street but the coach must lead the student. You may end up spending many hours working with your personal trainer so it is vital there is a clear understanding of each other.
Professionalism above everything. Being a personal trainer is an occupation; a profession. Your health is in their hands so take it seriously.
Education is a must. Make sure as a personal trainer you are education (qualified) and continue to strive to become more qualified. It’s a competitive industry. Have you advantages!
Personality. Be fun, be informative, be the best personal trainer you can be and care!

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