Monday, May 22, 2017

3 Breakfast Rules to Help You Lose Weight!

Here at Abu Dhabi Personal Trainers we believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! But you need to make sure that you’re doing it right. If you are currently on a fitness journey of trying to maintain or lose weight then here are 3 tips that our personal trainers think you should consider when enjoying your first meal of the day.
1. Eat breakfast soon after you wake up : Studies have found that eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and can also help make sure you don’t feel starved later resulting in you making bad meal choices for lunch or dinner. To take advantage of your body’s fat-burning potential, try to eat breakfast soon after waking up.
2. Go for filling foods : Stay away from foods that are high glycemic and will only lead to a mid morning crash. Choose foods that are full of fibre and slow-digesting nutrients to help keep you satisfied throughout the morning. Our personal trainers recommend high fiber and high protein breakfast options to ensure you feel full and energized throughout the day!
3. Watch your portions : A big breakfast can help fill you up, but you don’t want to overdo it. Keep calories in check by looking at suggested serving sizes!

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